Monday, December 7, 2009

Oliver AKA Marine

My Name is Marine but my foster mom is calling me Oli after Oliver North…a good Marine! I am living in the country now and I like it! I’ve made new friends….Candi Suzanne a sassy little Greyhound and Maggie a feisty little Beagle who will not share her treats or her bed. We spent the weekend together and we had fun!

Sonja says I am very smart and eager to please…she calls me handsome too!!!

I learned to walk up and down the stairs to the deck! I met some cows and learned to bark at them. Who knew I could bark and I can roo too! I learned that I love my kibble and I love chicken, rice, green beans, black beans plain yogurt and bananas! Oh, I learned that when you walk out the door you must quickly take your tail with you or the door will close on your tail…OOOOOOOCH! I learned to never sniff the cat’s booty…..They are not funny looking dogs!!!

OMG…the best thing is going “tinkle” outside! It is like magic….I hike my leg on the fence and Sonja yells “Good Boy”! I get a hug and a treat! I Hike my leg on the tree….Bam… Sonja yells “Good Boy”! I get a hug and a treat! I go number two in the yard or on the trail…. Sonja yells “Good Boy”! I get a hug and a treat! I like hugs and treats!!!

Sonja and Russell say I am a “Velcro dog and a Leaner” I don’t know what that means but I know I like to follow them everywhere they go and I like to lean against them for hugs and kisses!!!

I can hardly wait to find my forever home and have my own family to lean on and snuggle with!

Love Oliver the “Marine”

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